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Blackjack Online and it’s Exciting Aspects

  • Published Date February 10, 2017
  • By Admin


Blackjack is a popular game for both recreational and professional casino players. Some quotas refer to the game as 21 owing to its basic rule. The rule requires players to create hands that are close, equal to, but not exceeding 21. You will win the game if you create a hand equal to 21. It is worth noting though that despite this basic rule, other variations of Blackjack exist hence creating the excitement around the game.

Various factors lead to the variations of blackjack online. Some of those factors include the type of casino offering the game, location, and occasion. Despite following the same basic rule mentioned, the variations lead to unique blackjack games. Some of the unique versions include:

  • Perfect Pairs Blackjack
  • Super Fun 21 Blackjack
  • Pontoon Blackjack
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Spanish 21 Blackjack
  • Bonus Blackjack
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • Blackjack Surrender
  • Blackjack Switch
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack
  • European Blackjack

Before taking part in any of the variants, it is important to understand its specific Blackjack strategy. Learning the strategies and implementing them is always interesting. Although the game is chance and luck-based, some strategy could increase your winning chances.


How to Play Blackjack


Blackjack rules are simple and easy to follow. If you are just starting out, there are few important points to note. You will need to learn the value of the cards, which is a basic process. The second phase of the learning process involves learning your choices. It is at this stage that you should learn about using strategy in playing Blackjack.

The two main options that will need you to make an option when it is your turn are Hit or Stand. Interestingly, you could explore the other possibilities like Double Down, Taking insurance, Surrender, and Split. These options only exist to get you started. The exciting aspect of Blackjack online originates from the “house edge” concept.

As such, one needs to understand the “House rules” to use the most appropriate strategy. In turn, it will be less challenging to recognize the implications of the different options you decide to follow. As you play the game, card counting will be easy. This strategy comes in handy in predicting the number and value of tens and aces remaining in the deck.

In the process of playing and taking part in Blackjack, it would be good to observe etiquette. Apart from that, one always needs to be wise and know when to walk away.


Author’s Bio: Aishwarya Thakur Shopaholic, Fashionista, DramaQueen... BlackJack 21 I get that dealer i beat that.. Blogger by day online shopping freak by night.Loves Chocolate and Blackjack


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